
church and ministries


Bethany Stephens Music

Bethany Stephens wanted something trending, elegant, yet timeless for everyone when they visit her site. We were able to accomplish this with a elegant, modern design and fresh color palette.



The team at American Wake Up Call wanted something visually awakening so their clients would download the free guide available. We were able to accomplish this with a clean design and direct language towards their target audience.

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Pray Dallas

This awesome group has mobilized prayer around the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex to engage Christians of all denominations to pray over their cities. They wanted a simple, clean website that invited people to get involved in prayer across their cities. We were able to accomplish this by SquareSpace CMS and designing.


International Young Prophets

This incredible ministry is a global organization that unites the young prophets from all around the world. They wanted something that was engaging, informative, but clean and image driven. We were able to accomplish this with SquareSpace CMS.

art and design


print design

let’s go to the next level

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